Money Market Fund Automatic Redemption Service Agreement

The Money Market Fund Automatic Redemption Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made by and between Long Bridge HK Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "Long Bridge HK") and Long Bridge HK’s clients (hereinafter referred to as "you" or "Investor" or "Client"), and constitutes a valid contract with respect to matters relating to automatic redemption services for money market funds. By clicking in confirmation via the Long Bridge HK platform page or otherwise opting to accept this Agreement, you, Investor, hereby indicate that you and Long Bridge HK have reached an agreement and agree to accept all terms as agreed upon herein, as well as any rules, page prompts, operating procedures, announcements or notices relating to this Agreement which have or may be issued or released in the future (hereinafter collectively referred to as this "Agreement").

Prior to accepting this Agreement, please carefully read its entirety. If you disagree with any of the terms herein, or cannot accurately understand the terms hereof as explained by Long Bridge HK, please do not proceed.

1. Definitions

In this Agreement, the terms and expressions defined in the Client Agreement shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the same meanings when used in this Agreement.

In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

"Monetary Fund Automatic Redemption Services"/the "Services" comprise the following services:

Long Bridge HK comprehensively evaluates information such as the money market fund positions in Client's fund account (excluding the money market funds invested in by Client through its fund portfolio) and the actual operating conditions of Long Bridge HK, and calculates the purchasing power available to Client for securities trading and initial public offering ("IPO") subscriptions; and when Long Bridge HK's appraisal finds that the triggering conditions are met, it initiates a request for the automatic redemption of the money market fund on behalf of Client, and deposits the proceeds from the redemption into Client's securities account.

"Uniform Purchasing Power" refers to Client's aggregate purchasing power as obtained by calculating the purchasing power of Clients who simultaneously hold Hong Kong stocks, A shares and U.S. stock margin accounts and the purchasing power of the monetary market fund's position (see Paragraph 1 under the definition of the Monetary Fund Automatic Redemption Services/the Services for details)

"Triggering Conditions" refer to the following situations as appearing in Client's margin securities account:

Client’s securities account has an outstanding balance; or the cash balance in Client's securities account is a negative value after deducting the purchasing power that was frozen due to its participation in an IPO subscription (collectively referred to as "Outstanding Balance").

"Automatic Redemption Request" means that the system initiates a redemption request from Client's fund account for money fund shares in an amount equivalent to that of the Outstanding Balance owed in its securities account (excluding the money market funds invested in by Client through its fund portfolio).

"Assessment Time" refers to:

The time designated by Long Bridge HK from time to time at which Long Bridge HK conducts its daily assessment to ascertain whether the Automatic Redemption Request is triggered on Client's securities account, the specific time of which is subject to the announcement released by Long Bridge HK on the platform; or

If Client participates in an IPO subscription, the time at which Long Bridge HK assesses whether Client's securities account will trigger an Automatic Redemption Request before the deduction of the relevant amounts on the corresponding cash subscription deduction date or margin subscription deduction date (depending on Client's subscription method)

"Daily Fund Redemption Limit" means, subject to the agreements between Long Bridge HK and fund product issuers, fund management companies, investment managers or distributors, the different maximum daily redemption limits for different funds.

"Maximum Processing Amount for Automatic Redemption Requests" refers to the total maximum redemption amount set by the system for automatic redemption requests.

"Platform" refers to the trading platform and/or the official website of Long Bridge HK through which Long Bridge HK provides services to its clients.

2. Terms of Service

Client acknowledges and agrees that Long Bridge HK calculates the new purchasing power of Client's margin securities account by comprehensively assessing the money market fund position in the Client's fund account. The new purchasing power can be used for securities trading or IPO subscriptions; however, the new purchasing power may be subject to adjustment due to the effects of actual operating conditions or other factors. Long Bridge HK shall determine Client's new purchasing power at its sole discretion.

Client acknowledges and agrees that Long Bridge HK will assess Client's margin securities account at the Assessment Time. Client authorizes Long Bridge HK to initiate an Automatic Redemption Request for Client in the event that the assessment finds the Triggering Conditions have been met, and to deposit the proceeds from the redemption into the Client's securities account ("Standing Authorization"). From time to time, Long Bridge HK will, at its discretion, determine the daily Assessment Time, the fund redemption sequence in Client's account, and the rules for processing Automatic Redemption Requests.

Client acknowledges and agrees that the Services comprise a part of the Uniform Purchasing Power. By clicking on the platform page to confirm or otherwise agree to enable to the Uniform Purchasing Power, Client will be deemed to have agreed to this Agreement.

If Client is:

(a) a professional investor, the Standing Authorization will continue to be valid until Client withdraws from/disables the Services;

(b) a non-professional investor, the Standing Authorization shall be valid for a period of no more than twelve (12) months from the date on which the Standing Authorization is confirmed. By withdrawing from/deactivating the Services, Client will be deemed to have notified Long Bridge HK to terminate the Standing Authorization.

Client acknowledges and agrees that where, upon the expiration of the Standing Authorization (subject to applicable conditions), Long Bridge HK will send you a written renewal notice at least fourteen (14) days before the expiration date of the Standing Authorization, reminding you that the Standing Authorization is about to expire and will be renewed. You will be deemed to have agreed to such renewal if you fail to raise an objection prior to the expiration date, and the Standing Authorization shall be deemed renewed for a period of twelve (12) months without your written consent.

Client acknowledges that the Automatic Redemption Request may not be fully executed due to the Daily Fund Redemption Limit, the Maximum Processing Amount for Automatic Redemption Requests or other factors. Client acknowledges and agrees that if the Automatic Redemption Request is ultimately not fully executed, there may still be an Outstanding Balance in the securities account, and Client will still be required to pay the account's Outstanding Balance, as well as any applicable interest and/or fees to Long Bridge HK.

Client understands and agrees that any activation or deactivation of the money market fund automatic redemption services must comply with the prompts and rules relating to money market fund automatic redemption services as announced by Long Bridge HK on the website, this application and the Business Scenarios page. You may request to activate and deactivate the Services. If Client disables the Uniform Purchasing Power, the Services will also be deactivated. This Agreement shall be deemed terminated upon the deactivation of the Services.

Client understands and agrees that in the event that the status of your Long Bridge HK account or other designated accounts is deemed abnormal (including but not limited to the account(s) being closed, suspended or frozen) and the Services under this Agreement can no longer be provided normally as result, Long Bridge HK shall not be held liable.

Client confirms that your use of the Services is a genuine expression of intent, and you are fully liable for the authenticity and validity of any instructions or commands issued during your use of the Services. Said instructions or commands shall be deemed to be a presentation of your true intent and can neither be changed nor revoked. You hereby warrant that any and all risks associated with the actions performed by Long Bridge HK in accordance with your instructions or commands shall be borne solely be you.

3. Notices

Any notices or other announcements relating to the terms of this Agreement, other agreements or your use of the money market fund automatic redemption services shall be sent to you by Long Bridge HK in electronic or written form, including but not limited via email or registered mail to the email or residential addresses you provide, via an announcement on this website, application or partner website, or by text message or telephone. Please ensure that the aforementioned email address, residential address, mobile phone number, telephone number or other contact information remain in effective use; any changes to the foregoing contact information must be made in accordance with the method designated by Long Bridge HK. The above notices shall be deemed effectively served once sent or announced.

4. Amendment of Agreement

Long Bridge HK reserves the right to unilaterally modify your rights and obligations under this Agreement at any time. Amendments hereto shall be effective immediately upon notice. Regardless of whether you use the Services before or after such amendments take effect, you shall be subject to the amended and the updated terms of this Agreement. Long Bridge HK will notify you in accordance with the method agreed upon in this Agreement. If you do not agree to the amended terms of this Agreement, you must immediately cease your use of the Services; otherwise, you will be deemed to have agreed to and accepted such amendments.

5. Limitation of Liability

Long Bridge HK shall not be responsible for any losses, damages or expenses that you or any other party may incur or suffer in connection with or due to the use of the money market fund automatic redemption services; or in connection with or due to the processing or execution of your instructions, commands or requests regarding the money market fund automatic redemption services, except where any of the above losses, damages or expenses are directly and reasonably foreseeable and directly and entirely caused due to the negligence or deliberate default on the part of Long Bridge HK or its personnel, employees or agents.

If the money market fund automatic redemption services cannot be provided in a normal manner due to a force majeure event, Long Bridge HK shall promptly notify the other parties to this Agreement, as well as any related parties, and actively take measures to resolve the issue; however, Long Bridge HK shall not be liable for compensation. Force majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of war, fires, earthquakes, floods, strikes, network failures, system failures, changes in regulatory policies and other natural disasters, abnormal social events, technical risks and policy risks that are reasonably unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable.

6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement is governed by the laws of Hong Kong and the articles of association, regulations and practices of Long Bridge HK as currently in effect or amended, formulated or authorized, and displayed, advertised or otherwise disclosed to Client from time to time, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. Client hereby submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts with respect to any decision, enforcement or judgment regarding all disputes and claims arising from and related to the above matters.

7. Severability

If any provision contained in this agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue to be binding and effective.

8. Terms and Conditions

Any other terms or related rules on the relevant pages of the money market fund automatic redemption services, once announced on the Long Bridge HK platform, shall constitute an integral part of this Automatic Money Market Fund Redemption Service Agreement and become legally effective. If you disagree with the terms or related rules, you must immediately cease your use of the money market fund automatic redemption services. If you continue to use such services, you will be deemed have agreed to and accepted the other terms or rules and any changes or amendments as made thereto from time to time.